Thursday, November 29, 2012

Top 12 Reasons Atheism = Stupidity (#11)

(This is my revised version of "The 12 Days of Christmas" renamed "The 12 Days of Atheism = Stupidity" -- it's basically the top 12 reasons why atheism is so securely grounded in stupidity -- the song goes like this...)

On the eleventh day of Christmas my True Love gave to me...

The Theory of Evolution

Ever since Darwin published his theory of evolution, atheists and others have been using the theory to claim that humans are just "sophisticated animals" -- the claim goes along these lines: because humans evolved from apes, and apes evolved from other animals, humans are just a different species of animal.

What is so funny about this involves a "crisis" of sorts that has been brewing among evolutionary biologists over the last few years. Get this. There is now a big disagreement between two camps of evolutionary biologists:

Camp #1 says evolution has STOPPED since humans arrived on the planet.

Camp #2 says evolution has ACCELERATED since humans arrived on the planet.

In other words (according to the latest understanding of the theory of evolution), a process which has been occurring for 3.8 billion years has suddenly changed since humans arrived on the planet. To me, that sounds like humans are pretty special. To me, that sounds like humans are NOT just a "sophisticated animal." To me, that sounds like the theory of evolution PROVES that humans are NOT just "sophisticated animals."

So, according to the current understanding of the theory of evolution, a process that has been working in the same manner for ALL species for 3.8 billion years all of a sudden works DIFFERENTLY in humans. Hmmm...

You know, some people think that the theory of evolution rules out spiritual things and God. It doesn't. People probably got that idea because they thought the theory of evolution was a threat to religion. It's not.

Also, some people think that science is displacing religion. It isn't. Science isn't displacing religion. Science is actually confirming religion (it's just taking a little longer than a lot of people have the patience to wait for).

If you want to learn more about this big brouhaha among evolutionary biologists, here are some links... 

Top scholars claiming EVOLUTION HAS STOPPED since humans arrived on the planet:

Ajit Varki says that with humans (unlike with animals), behavior is not “encoded in DNA” but is “transmitted within and by the culture” 

Michio Kaku says “mankind has stopped evolving” 

Steve Jones says “natural selection, if it hasn't stopped, has at least slowed down” 

Top scholars claiming EVOLUTION HAS ACCELERATED since humans arrived on the planet:

Archaeological Institute of America says “Human evolution has been gathering speed for the past 50,000 years” 

Gregory Cochran and Henry Harpending say humans have been evolving very dramatically for the last 10,000 years:

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