(This is my revised version of "The 12 Days of Christmas" renamed "The 12 Days of Atheism = Stupidity" -- it's basically the top 12 reasons why atheism is so securely grounded in stupidity -- the song goes like this...)
On the eighth day of Christmas my True Love gave to me...
John Lennon's song "Imagine"
The people in Heaven have a great sense of humor. They changed the lyrics of John Lennon's song "Imagine" and sing it like this:
Imagine there's no atheism
It's easy if you try
No atheists below us
Above us only God
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one...
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
Top 12 Reasons Atheism = Stupidity (#9)
(This is my revised version of "The 12 Days of Christmas" renamed "The 12 Days of Atheism = Stupidity" -- it's basically the top 12 reasons why atheism is so securely grounded in stupidity -- the song goes like this...)
On the ninth day of Christmas my True Love gave to me...
Perhaps the most stupid reason that atheists use to reject religion in general and Christianity in particular goes along these lines: They say religious people, including Christians, have been responsible for killing "huge numbers" of people.
If you're going to use "killing huge numbers of people" to reject religion, then you really should apply that criteria to rejecting atheism, not religion. The atheistic, anti-religion, communist regime set up in China by Mao was responsible for killing at least 40 million people. The atheistic, anti-religion communist regime set up in Russia by Stalin was responsible for killing at least 20 million people.
People debate whether Hitler was an atheist, but Hitler is on record saying "National Socialism and religion cannot exist together" and "The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity." Atheists who deny that Hitler was anti-religious seem to conveniently ignore the fact that beginning in 1937, Hitler's government became openly and increasingly anti-religious, and that Hitler's top advisers (Goebbels, Bormann and Heydrich, for example) were atheists who were vehemently anti-religion. Hitler was responsible for killing at least 5 million people.
Overall, atheistic purges throughout the 20th century killed at least 100 million people. Atheists love to bring up the Spanish Inquisition as a prime example of the "evils" of religion. The Spanish Inquisition resulted in between 5,000 and 10,000 deaths over the course of 100 years or so.
On the ninth day of Christmas my True Love gave to me...
Perhaps the most stupid reason that atheists use to reject religion in general and Christianity in particular goes along these lines: They say religious people, including Christians, have been responsible for killing "huge numbers" of people.
If you're going to use "killing huge numbers of people" to reject religion, then you really should apply that criteria to rejecting atheism, not religion. The atheistic, anti-religion, communist regime set up in China by Mao was responsible for killing at least 40 million people. The atheistic, anti-religion communist regime set up in Russia by Stalin was responsible for killing at least 20 million people.
People debate whether Hitler was an atheist, but Hitler is on record saying "National Socialism and religion cannot exist together" and "The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity." Atheists who deny that Hitler was anti-religious seem to conveniently ignore the fact that beginning in 1937, Hitler's government became openly and increasingly anti-religious, and that Hitler's top advisers (Goebbels, Bormann and Heydrich, for example) were atheists who were vehemently anti-religion. Hitler was responsible for killing at least 5 million people.
Overall, atheistic purges throughout the 20th century killed at least 100 million people. Atheists love to bring up the Spanish Inquisition as a prime example of the "evils" of religion. The Spanish Inquisition resulted in between 5,000 and 10,000 deaths over the course of 100 years or so.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Top 12 Reasons Atheism = Stupidity (#10)
(This is my revised version of "The 12 Days of Christmas" renamed "The 12 Days of Atheism = Stupidity" -- it's basically the top 12 reasons why atheism is so securely grounded in stupidity -- the song goes like this...)
On the tenth day of Christmas my True Love gave to me...
It's nice to see Catholics and Fundamentalist Protestants starting to come together on the age of the Earth and how to interpret the Biblical account of Creation written in the book of Genesis.
Pat Robertson of the 700 Club/Christian Broadcasting Network recently remarked "I know people will probably lynch me for this, but Bishop (James) Ussher, God bless him, wasn't inspired by the Lord when he said it all took 6,000 years. It just didn't." Ussher was a 17th century clergyman who first argued that the Earth was created in 4004 BC.
Pope John Paul II put it this way: "The Bible itself speaks to us of the origin of the universe and its make-up, not in order to provide us with a scientific treatise, but in order to state the correct relationship of man with God and with the universe. Sacred Scripture wishes simply to declare that the world was created by God, and in order to teach this truth it expresses itself in the terms of the cosmology in use at the time of the writer."
None of this contradicts the fact that the entire Bible (both Old and New testaments) is:
1) Inspired by the Holy Spirit
2) Inerrant in the original manuscripts
3) The infallible and authoritative Word of God
You might ask, "How can the Earth be 4.5 billion years old while at the same time the entire Bible is inerrant and infallible?" It's because the Bible isn't a book about science. The Bible is a book about faith, religion and a relationship with God.
The Bible doesn't contain any mistakes, and the Bible never has to be corrected. The thing is this... scientific data and Sacred Scripture both have to be interpreted by human beings -- and human beings make a lot of mistakes.
There's nothing incompatible between science and the Bible. For example, if the theory of evolution appears to be incompatible with the Bible, then maybe the theory of evolution is wrong (more likely, though, it's not that the theory of evolution is "wrong" but that the theory of evolution is "incomplete" -- and the theory of evolution will remain "incomplete" until it is in perfect alignment with the inerrant and infallible Word of God written in the Bible).
On the tenth day of Christmas my True Love gave to me...
It's nice to see Catholics and Fundamentalist Protestants starting to come together on the age of the Earth and how to interpret the Biblical account of Creation written in the book of Genesis.
Pat Robertson of the 700 Club/Christian Broadcasting Network recently remarked "I know people will probably lynch me for this, but Bishop (James) Ussher, God bless him, wasn't inspired by the Lord when he said it all took 6,000 years. It just didn't." Ussher was a 17th century clergyman who first argued that the Earth was created in 4004 BC.
Pope John Paul II put it this way: "The Bible itself speaks to us of the origin of the universe and its make-up, not in order to provide us with a scientific treatise, but in order to state the correct relationship of man with God and with the universe. Sacred Scripture wishes simply to declare that the world was created by God, and in order to teach this truth it expresses itself in the terms of the cosmology in use at the time of the writer."
None of this contradicts the fact that the entire Bible (both Old and New testaments) is:
1) Inspired by the Holy Spirit
2) Inerrant in the original manuscripts
3) The infallible and authoritative Word of God
You might ask, "How can the Earth be 4.5 billion years old while at the same time the entire Bible is inerrant and infallible?" It's because the Bible isn't a book about science. The Bible is a book about faith, religion and a relationship with God.
The Bible doesn't contain any mistakes, and the Bible never has to be corrected. The thing is this... scientific data and Sacred Scripture both have to be interpreted by human beings -- and human beings make a lot of mistakes.
There's nothing incompatible between science and the Bible. For example, if the theory of evolution appears to be incompatible with the Bible, then maybe the theory of evolution is wrong (more likely, though, it's not that the theory of evolution is "wrong" but that the theory of evolution is "incomplete" -- and the theory of evolution will remain "incomplete" until it is in perfect alignment with the inerrant and infallible Word of God written in the Bible).
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Top 12 Reasons Atheism = Stupidity (#11)
(This is my revised version of "The 12 Days of Christmas" renamed "The 12 Days of Atheism = Stupidity" -- it's basically the top 12 reasons why atheism is so securely grounded in stupidity -- the song goes like this...)
On the eleventh day of Christmas my True Love gave to me...
The Theory of Evolution
Ever since Darwin published his theory of evolution, atheists and others have been using the theory to claim that humans are just "sophisticated animals" -- the claim goes along these lines: because humans evolved from apes, and apes evolved from other animals, humans are just a different species of animal.
What is so funny about this involves a "crisis" of sorts that has been brewing among evolutionary biologists over the last few years. Get this. There is now a big disagreement between two camps of evolutionary biologists:
Camp #1 says evolution has STOPPED since humans arrived on the planet.
Camp #2 says evolution has ACCELERATED since humans arrived on the planet.
In other words (according to the latest understanding of the theory of evolution), a process which has been occurring for 3.8 billion years has suddenly changed since humans arrived on the planet. To me, that sounds like humans are pretty special. To me, that sounds like humans are NOT just a "sophisticated animal." To me, that sounds like the theory of evolution PROVES that humans are NOT just "sophisticated animals."
So, according to the current understanding of the theory of evolution, a process that has been working in the same manner for ALL species for 3.8 billion years all of a sudden works DIFFERENTLY in humans. Hmmm...
You know, some people think that the theory of evolution rules out spiritual things and God. It doesn't. People probably got that idea because they thought the theory of evolution was a threat to religion. It's not.
Also, some people think that science is displacing religion. It isn't. Science isn't displacing religion. Science is actually confirming religion (it's just taking a little longer than a lot of people have the patience to wait for).
On the eleventh day of Christmas my True Love gave to me...
The Theory of Evolution
Ever since Darwin published his theory of evolution, atheists and others have been using the theory to claim that humans are just "sophisticated animals" -- the claim goes along these lines: because humans evolved from apes, and apes evolved from other animals, humans are just a different species of animal.
What is so funny about this involves a "crisis" of sorts that has been brewing among evolutionary biologists over the last few years. Get this. There is now a big disagreement between two camps of evolutionary biologists:
Camp #1 says evolution has STOPPED since humans arrived on the planet.
Camp #2 says evolution has ACCELERATED since humans arrived on the planet.
In other words (according to the latest understanding of the theory of evolution), a process which has been occurring for 3.8 billion years has suddenly changed since humans arrived on the planet. To me, that sounds like humans are pretty special. To me, that sounds like humans are NOT just a "sophisticated animal." To me, that sounds like the theory of evolution PROVES that humans are NOT just "sophisticated animals."
So, according to the current understanding of the theory of evolution, a process that has been working in the same manner for ALL species for 3.8 billion years all of a sudden works DIFFERENTLY in humans. Hmmm...
You know, some people think that the theory of evolution rules out spiritual things and God. It doesn't. People probably got that idea because they thought the theory of evolution was a threat to religion. It's not.
Also, some people think that science is displacing religion. It isn't. Science isn't displacing religion. Science is actually confirming religion (it's just taking a little longer than a lot of people have the patience to wait for).
If you want to learn more about this big brouhaha among evolutionary biologists, here are some links...
Top scholars claiming EVOLUTION HAS STOPPED
since humans arrived on the planet:
Ajit Varki says that with humans (unlike
with animals), behavior is not “encoded in DNA” but is “transmitted within and by
the culture” http://www.nature.com/news/2009/110209/full/457776a.html
Michio Kaku says “mankind has stopped evolving” http://bigthink.com/ideas/26647
Steve Jones says “natural selection, if it
hasn't stopped, has at least slowed down” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-12535647
since humans arrived on the planet:
Archaeological Institute of America says “Human
evolution has been gathering speed for the past 50,000 years” http://www.archaeology.org/0803/etc/conversation.html
Gregory Cochran and Henry Harpending say humans
have been evolving very dramatically for the last 10,000 years: http://the10000yearexplosion.com/
Hawks says “our evolution has recently accelerated by around 100-fold” http://johnhawks.net/weblog/topics/evolution/selection/acceleration/accel_story_2007.html
and http://johnhawks.net/weblog/topics/evolution/recent/moran-recent-selection-journalism-2009.html
Atheists are Human Too
Just to set the record straight, I'm not saying atheists are sub-human, or that atheists are like animals who should be displayed in zoos or museums like wooly mammoths. What I'm saying is this: humans are the only species able to a) acquire knowledge about God, b) have a personal relationship with God by communicating with God through prayer and c) sometimes literally feel the tangible presence of God while praying. Animals can't do that. So... any human who rejects the reality of God isn't "taking advantage" of all of the easily attainable capabilities of being a human -- therefore, atheists are making a conscious choice -- a willful decision -- to refuse to "rise above" the capabilties of being a sophisticated animal.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Top 12 Reasons Atheism = Stupidity
(This is my revised version of “The 12 Days of Christmas” renamed “The
12 Days of Atheism = Stupidity” – it’s basically the top 12 reasons why atheism
is so securely grounded in stupidity – the song goes like this…)
the twelfth day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
Richard Dawkins
If you need any more proof of how atheism is grounded in stupidity,
then look no further than Richard Dawkins and his minions. Mr. Dawkins is a
darling to atheists all over the world, but Mr. Dawkins should actually be a
huge embarrassment to any self-respecting atheist.
When atheists pledge allegiance to Mr. Dawkins, they reveal just how
utterly blind they are to the man’s fatal flaws (his fatal flaws in science as
well as in logic and reason).
First of all, here is a man who is not only highly intelligent but
is also recognized as a top-notch scientist in the field of evolutionary
biology. The thing is this. While Mr. Dawkins gets a lot of things “right,” his
analysis of religion (and evolution) is fatally flawed for several reasons.
First, here is a man who is a biologist, yet when you read his
books it’s clear he’s absolutely clueless about how the sensory systems function
in humans and animals. Normally, being clueless about how the sensory systems
function wouldn’t be such a horrible thing, but it becomes horrifically funny
in the case of Mr. Dawkins because he rejects religion on the basis of the
sensory information that has happened to penetrate his sensory systems and
enter his brain.
Please. If you’re going to reject religion on the basis of the
sensory information that enters your sensory systems and gets processed in your
brain, then, for crying out loud, the least you should do is a) understand how
the sensory systems work and b) understand the biological limitations of the
sensory systems!
If you don’t think that Mr. Dawkins is clueless about how the
sensory systems work in humans and animals, then just look at his book titled “The
Selfish Gene” or even any of his more recent books. When he puts so
much emphasis on the level of the gene in determining an organism’s behavior
and its evolutionary destiny, it’s because he doesn’t understand that there are
too many other variables (other than genes) involved in evolution the “farther up
the food chain” you go. And his utter cluelessness about this is evident
because nowhere in his books – nowhere – does he talk about “perception versus
reality” in humans and animals.
It’s perfectly fine to say “the gene drives
evolution” at the level of microorganisms (because the behavior of microorganisms
isn’t mediated by anything we call “perception”), whereas behavior in humans
and animals is almost entirely driven by perception. And the fatal flaw in Mr.
Dawkins perception of the world, his perception of reality, his perception of
religion, and his perception science is this: any piece of “sensory information
x” can be perceived in an almost infinite number of ways by humans (but not by animals,
and certainly not by microorganisms).
Please, get a life already, will you Mr.
Another big problem with Mr. Dawkins is
that he has become emotionally attached to his point of view about how to interpret
“the data.” Mr. Dawkins gets incandescent with rage whenever he’s exposed to
people and ideas that don’t agree with his point of view. (Doesn’t he know that
emotions and science don’t mix? Doesn’t he know that scientists who get
emotional about their subject matter can’t be trusted as objective observers?)
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Battling Against Atheists During the Christmas Season
Every year during December, Christians are forced to use their precious time, money and energy defending their rights to express their religious beliefs – primarily because we have a federal government that is doing nothing to protect the rights of people to express their religious beliefs in public. This is a crying shame, and it basically amounts to a “tax” on Christians (or a “penalty” or a “fine” or whatever you want to call it) because we have to spend our resources defending ourselves from the onslaught of atheists who are too stupid to comprehend the reality of God.
Regarding the whole "Keep Christ in Christmas" thing... the thing is this... Why should we have to "dumb down" the Christmas Season just because atheists are too stupid to comprehend the reality of God?
If "stupid" is the wrong word, then maybe "spiritual retardation" or "arrested development" would be more accurate. How else can you explain it? Atheists like to refer to human beings as "sophisticated animals," and while that may be true for atheists, it's definitely not true for people who have a relationship with God.
People who have a relationship with God are "fully human," while people who don't have a relationship with God are just "sophisticated animals." What more can I say?
I support "animal rights" to a certain extent, but animal rights should take a "back seat" to the rights of human beings.
Let's Keep Christ in Christmas. And if the atheists don't want to know God, love God and serve God, then they can just go straight to Hell.
In the meantime, we need to start standing up for our rights -- and stop electing people who don't support the rights of people to express their religious values in public. What's next? Pretty soon we'll have to pay a "fine," a "penalty" or a "tax" just for saying the words "Merry Christmas." God help us.
Monday, November 26, 2012
To Know God, it Helps to Think Like a Worm
Do you ever notice how so many people walk around the planet
thinking that human beings are the smartest creatures in the world? They forget
that angels and demons are all around us, and that the intelligence of angels
and demons is incredibly higher than the intelligence of human beings.
And what about God? Do atheists and agnostics think they are
so smart that they can figure out the mind of God? Do they think they have
enough knowledge – or have the capacity to acquire enough knowledge – to come to the
conclusion that God does not exist? Please. Who do they think they are kidding?
If you want to understand the reality of God, it helps to
think like a worm. The little worms crawl around on the ground, and their
perception of reality is very limited compared to the way humans perceive
Worms (and all animals) can’t comprehend the reality that’s
going on at the level of human beings. It’s the same thing with atheists and
agnostics who can’t comprehend the reality of God or the reality of spiritual
creatures like angels.
Atheists and agnostics pretty much live their lives like
animals -- like sophisticated animals -- who don’t understand what it means to
be fully human.
People who don’t believe in God or who don’t believe in
spiritual things aren’t going to like this, but the fact is this: Spiritual
people are more evolved than non-spiritual people. It’s like this. A human can
extract more information from the environment than an ape, a cat or a dog. An
ape, a cat or a dog can extract more information from the environment than an
insect or a worm. An insect or a worm can extract more information from the
environment than a microorganism like a species of bacteria. And a living
microorganism can extract more information from the environment than a piece of
plastic or a chunk of rock.
Spiritual people can extract more information from the
environment than non-spiritual people. That’s just the way it is. Spiritual
people are just more evolved than non-spiritual people. Spiritual people are a “higher
form of life” than atheists and agnostics.
If you’re an atheist or agnostic, please don’t take it
personally… it’s just a fact… and, anyway, aren’t all of you atheists and agnostics
supposed to be all about differentiating “fact” from “fiction?”
Now, for Heaven’s sake, please stop trying to remove religion from the culture before you make everyone else as stupid as you are. Thanks very much, appreciate it.
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