Monday, March 11, 2013

The Ten Commandments

Some people say that because "The 10 Commandments" were written 3,500 years ago they no longer apply to people today.

Religion is the only real antidote to that kind of "moral relativism." You know, if it's true that morality and ethics can evolve over time and be different from place to place, then who or what is "in charge" of defining morality and ethics? Is it the federal government? Is it the New York Times? Is it Rachel Maddow? Is it the culture and society?

If "the people" are responsible for defining morality and ethics, and if "the people" embrace a culture that glorifies sex and violence, then you end up with a culture where a) 300,000 kids are "sold" as sex slaves every year in the United States and b) very few people seem to care enough to do anything to stop it. You get a culture and society where violent and sadistic entertainment is a) embraced by mainstream audiences and then b) people seem utterly clueless about why a lunatic would decide to shoot 50 people at a Batman movie.

Hello? "The Dark Knight" and "The Dark Knight Rises?" Have you seen those films? Those are just two small examples that perfectly illustrate how we've "developed a culture" that has a "healthy appetite" for violent and sadistic entertainment.

And what about "developing a culture" that has a "healthy appetite" for sexual entertainment? Do you know how many people's lives have been ruined because we've "developed a culture" that has a "healthy appetite" for sexual entertainment?

If we're not careful, pretty soon we'll end up with a culture and society that looks something like France. In France, they put prostitutes on top of alters and worship the prostitutes as "goddesses of reason."

Friday, February 8, 2013

The REAL "War on Women"

The REAL "war on women" in this country is being waged by the abortion industry!...

How to Deal with Demons

"I Caterina, servant and slave of God's servants, am writing to encourage you in the precious blood of God's Son.

I long to see you so strong and filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit who came upon the holy disciples, that God's gentle Word will be able to grow and bear fruit in you and in your neighbors as well.

After the fire of the Holy Spirit descended on them they mounted the pulpit of the blazing cross, where they felt and tasted the hunger of God's Son, his love for humankind.

Their words came forth as does a red-hot knife from a furnace, and with its heat they pierced their listeners to the heart and cast out devils. Since they had lost themselves, they saw not themselves but only God's glory and honor and our salvation.

So,... I beg you -- it is my will in Jesus Christ -- make your home in the pulpit of the cross. There be engulfed, lose yourself completely, with insatiable desire. Draw the red-hot knife and strike the devils, seen and unseen, who want to continually disturb your conscience by nipping people's fruit in the bud. Don't give in to this wicked devil -- especially now, when it is time for harvesting and sowing. Tell the devil to deal with me instead of with you! Forward then, courageously!"

-- Saint Catherine of Siena

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Blessed Pope John Paul II on the Rosary

In his apostolic letter on the Rosary published October 16, 2002, Blessed John Paul II recalled: "Twenty-four years ago, on 29 October 1978, scarcely two weeks after my election to the See of Peter, I frankly admitted: 'The Rosary is my favorite prayer. A marvelous prayer!'"

Yes, Holy Father, I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!